Telestial Education

Telestial Education is the education is like the Light of the STARS (D&C 76:82)

Purpose:  get a job!,  to get gain!  (see Helaman 7:21)

Method: competition pressure, stress, force, shame, grades and honors, fear, confusion, deception, job training, indoctrinated, little light/truth, entertainment centered.

Teaching Process: The Philosophies of men;  It is the teaching the philosophies of men in pieces

Results/Dangers:   Lack of self-esteem, materialism, greed, fear, “not my responsibility”, lust, power, dishonesty, compartmentalization (blunts the spirit), desensitization, job training.  False pride:  pride in their own accomplishments not in divine light

Responsibility:  The school, the government, others.

Examples:  The pioneers, “But behold, they have not learned to be obedient to the things which I required at their hands, but are full of all manner of evil, and do not impart  of their substance, as becometh saints, to the poor and afflicted among them; And are not united according to the union required by the law of the celestial kingdom;”  D&C 105:3-4

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