Posts Tagged With: introduction to numbers

Constructing a Universe

How do you construct a universe?  What do you begin with?   A POINT!!  🙂

Everything begins with a point!!  otherwise it would be pointless! 🙂  Pointless means without a center to hold it together.

Now open up a math compass and with the point construct a circle around the point.  Now you have begun the construction of a universe.  Universe mean “one turn”, one complete turn around a point.

In this video, at the 29 minute mark, I introduce you to the circle, the almond and the triangle; he first three shapes of  the universe.   This is an event I had in February 2012.  I got the drawings from a book called, “The Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe” and the principles from “Increase in Learning.” Enjoy!

What was the principle of the almond shape?

With Increasing Light and Learning,

Tresta K

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